


neděle 29. července 2012


Vytáhla jsem od loňska nastříhané klobouky a konečně je došila. Jsou bez výztuže a tak bych ještě chtěla zkusit vyztužit ten kšilt. Jsou oboustranné, to jen pro upřesnění, aby si někdo nemyslel, že jsem ušila čtyři :-)

I have precut fabrics for these hats last summer. That means two UFOs down :-) Little one is for my daughter and the bigger one for my husband. They fit well and I'll be making another pair. It is reversible model just to clear I have made only two and not four.

MiniMe mi chtěla zapózovat, tak tady ji máte. A ještě loňké foto s prvním kloboukem a taky čelenkou.

MiniMe wanted to pose with the hats. Here she is. The second pic is from last summer with hair band and trial hat.

Dneska jsem nešila, ale pekla. Klasický švestkový buchty.

I wasn't sewing today. Just baking. This is some classic Czech recipe. I have no idea how to translate what it is. There are plums inside.
A ještě speciální foto pro Sandru co včera reagovala na můj článek o zipech.

This is special picture for Sandra. I really don't have as many zippers as you. Only one messy little drawer, I'm too lazy to count them :-)

4 komentáře:

RuonelA řekl(a)...

Super kloboučky :) a krásná modelka :)

Cherryn řekl(a)...

Ty kloboučky jsou parádní! :-)

PaB řekl(a)...

Kloboučky jsou supééér!!! Páni a ta Tvá holčina má óbr kukadla:))

Sandra :) řekl(a)...

Awwwwwwwwwwwww Miss MiniMe is such a doll! Lovely hats (I have one on my To Do Very Soon list, for a great nephew whose birthday is coming up!), and your plum dish looks good - it looks like buns, but with the plums in it it's probably a dessert? I made Hot Beef Wraps (http://pinterest.com/pin/179299628885441278/) tonight for my guys - they went over really well!

Now about your zippers - you have an entire DRAWER dedicated to zippers???!! I think you're as addicted, or soon to be as addicted, as I am! ;) I kind of regret doing my count yesterday - I didn't really need to know I have 200 zippers - it seems a little over the top! Pfft no it doesn't - I LIKE ZIPPERS! As far as vices go, it's a pretty harmless one, LOL!!! :D