I like the idea to recap the month. May just flew away. Most of the projects I done are from the Zakka Sew Along. I haven't missed any yet. I tried a bit of patchwork blocks. I practice a bit double binding. I still need to work on those corners.
Došila jsem dlouho rozešitou tašku (můžu si odškrtnout jednoho kostlivce) a ušila jednu novou.
I finished one bag which has been on my deck for long and also made a new one.
Čekání na nový stroj jsem si zkrátila staronovou dekorací.While waiting for new sewing machine I had done a little redecorating.
Oslavili jsme první narozeniny a do naší domácnosti přibyl Bratr. Zatím si na sebe zvykáme, jmenuje se NV350.
My daughter had her first Birthday party and I have my first Brother. We getting use to each other and I'm thrilled.
Na váhu jsem moc nezhubla, ale pár lidí už si všimlo, takže jsem spokojená a jedu dál.
I haven't lost much on weight in May but I'm on my way. Few people noticed the change so I'm fine with it.
V červnu se toho na netu děje hodně, takže o víkendu vám o tom napíšu víc.
There is so much going on in June over the blogland. I have to make separate post about it over the weekend.
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